Underground and opencast mining
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Bdmin (RandMI) contains the information related to the mines (abandoned, intermittent or active) and traces of industrial rocks and minerals. These data have been generated by IGME through numerous projects from the early 1970s to the present day. It is national in scope. The information is structured in different sections: Identification, location, mining domain, mining-I (technical parameters), mining-II (socio-economic and commercial parameters), geology and complementary information. The storage format is SQLServer. It is publicly accessible, except for some of the data contained in the database, which are of restricted access, such as the owner and operator of the mining domain, the operator, as well as their addresses and contact telephone numbers, data on reserves, productions and marketing prices of the final product.
Points that symbolize the position of the indications or exploitations of Rocks and Industrial Minerals for all the national territory. Depending on the scale of visualization, two layers of points have been created. Exploitations I: represents only the location of the points. Visible from scales smaller than 1:200.000.Exploitations II: represents the location of the points with a symbolization according to different attributes. Visible from scales greater than 1:200,000. The reference systems offered by this service are: CRS:84, EPSG:4326, EPSG:4258, EPSG:4230, EPSG:23028, EPSG:23029, EPSG:23030, EPSG:23031, EPSG:25828, EPSG:25829, EPSG:25830, EPSG:25831. Puntos que simbolizan la posición de los indicios o explotaciones de Rocas y Minerales Industriales para todo el territorio nacional. En función de la escala de visualización se ha creado dos capas de puntos. Explotaciones I: representa tan sólo la localización de los puntos. Visible a partir de escalas menores de 1:200.000.Explotaciones II: representa la localización de los puntos con una simbolización en función de distintos atributos. Visible a partir de escalas mayores de 1:200.000.. Los sistemas de referencia que ofrece este servicio son:CRS:84, EPSG:4326, EPSG:4258, EPSG:4230, EPSG:23028, EPSG:23029, EPSG:23030, EPSG:23031, EPSG:25828, EPSG:25829, EPSG:25830, EPSG:25831..