Metallic minerals
Type of resources
Available actions
Provided by
Representation types
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Service types
Bdmin (Metallogeny) contains information on mineral deposits and indications, both metallic and non-metallic. Until 2006, this information was stored in paper files or in old databases such as the metallogeny databases (Metagen I and Metagen II). It is national in scope. The information is structured in different sections: General Data, Geological Data, Metallogenic Data, Mining Data and Additional Data. The storage format is SQLServer. It is publicly accessible, except for some of the data contained in the database, such as the fields relating to mining data and additional data.
The service consists of two layers of dots symbolising the position of mineral occurrences for the entire national territory. Depending on the scale of visualisation, two layers of information have been created. Indications I: Only the location of the points is represented. Visible from scales smaller than 1:200.000. Indications II: The points are represented with a symbolisation according to different attributes. Visible from scales larger than 1:200,000. The reference systems offered by this service are:CRS:84, EPSG:4326, EPSG:4258, EPSG:4230, EPSG:23028, EPSG:23029, EPSG:23030, EPSG:23031, EPSG:25828, EPSG:25829, EPSG:25830, EPSG:25831